You may or may not know that on top of our normal product offering of office supplies, we also sell plotters. What’s a plotter you ask? A plotter is essentially an extra wide printer. They range from 24” to 60” in size. You may be wondering why the heck you would want one of these for your office. Truth is, they’re pretty handy to have around!hp-designjet-z5400-44

Plotters are frequently used by architects, engineers, contractors, manufacturers, etc. to print out plans. However, there is a lot of potential to use these for office purposes as well. It’s Sue’s 50th birthday and you want to make a banner to hang in the break room. Jim is retiring after 30 years of service and you want to print off a large photo of him for his celebration. You’re offering a sale and want to promote it in your retail space. You’re hiring and want to create an attractive sign to put out in front of your office. You’re holding a company event and need to promote it. Your school is having a musical and you can create a professional sign to advertise it. The list goes on.

Also, depending on your industry, you may be able to turn this around and use it to make a little money for yourself! Schools have lots of opportunities to use this to your advantage in particular. Companies pay you to make a sign that you hang on the fence of your football/baseball/soccer/field hockey field. You make the banner once, and get paid for years. You could also use it in photography classes, sell the photos to raise money for the art programs. There are lots of possibilities!

canon-pro-2000We sell the whole lineup from Canon and HP. A perk that Canon offers is a license of their design software, “PosterArtist” to anyone who purchases a Canon plotter. It’s an easy to use software designed for the average Joe to be able to use it. This means you don’t need to have a graphic artist on hand to utilize the plotter, and you also don’t have to invest extra money in PhotoShop or Publisher if you’re only going to be using this recreationally. It’s certainly not as full-featured as the aforementioned software programs, but it does a good job.

Canon just released a brand new line of Pro Series Plotters which we are very excited about. It’s lowering the cost to print and maximizing the print quality. On top of all that, we are offering 0% financing for up to 36 months for a limited time!

Let us know if you think you might like to have a plotter! We’d be very happy to make a recommendation for you based on your needs. Shoot me an e-mail at