[wproto_heading text="Mobile Document Shredding" align="center" header_line="false" header_line_accent="false" color="#ffffff"]
We started Richter Mobile Shredding in 2007 in response to demand from our customer base. We have since added a second truck to our fleet and are continuing to grow our business.
Ensuring the safety and security of your documents is of utmost importance in the world we live in today. Our mobile shred truck securely destroys your documents on your premises, so you have one less thing to worry about during your busy day. If you prefer, you can bring your shredding to us and we can shred it in house. Give peace of mind to your customers, employees, and management by using Richter’s to keep you safe and secure.
We have a wide variety of services to suit your needs. They include:
- One-time purges
- Ongoing service (free containers available)
- Electronic destruction / recycling
- Scheduled contract shredding
- Bonded and insured shredding
[wproto_button link="url:%2Frequest-quote%2F||" title="Request a Quote"][wproto_button link="url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.richtermobileshredding.com||target:%20_blank" title="Richter Mobile Shredding"]